- Welcome Message

Thank you for visiting Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Historical Museum website. The Historical Museum opened on May 12, 2015 on the second floor of the headquarters of Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma.
The company's history began in 1678 when Tanabeya Gohei the 1st launched a business producing and selling Tanabeya Infusing Medicine and opened a store at the south end of Tanabeya bridge (now Joanbashi) in Tosabori, Osaka. For over 300 years since then, we have been implementing "Creating Hope” through the drug discovery.
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Historical Museum collects information about our corporate activities of creating unprecedented hope for all facing illness, together along with historically valuable materials that we persistently challenged and overcoming them even when faced with a lot of hardships. While carrying forward this precious history and their tough DNA, we engage in corporate activities with a sense of mission and high ethical standards as we strive to contribute to communities.
We hope that together with our history, you will explore the archives and materials detailing the beginnings of Japanese pharmaceutical businesses. We have compiled the essence of this Historical Museum as a virtual tour, so please access this website as well.
Please take this opportunity to step into Doshomachi District to peer into the inspiring historical origins of our company and its industry.
- Tatsuya Izukawa
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma
Historical Museum